Monday, January 18, 2010

Three Day Weekend

Yes I ate a cupcake from one of my favorite bakeries, ate fries and half a burger, and yes I had pasta; but I have to pat myself on the back for my "good behavior" this three day weekend.  Positive reinforcement for the good things, right?

I kept busy reading, cleaning out drawers, running errands, and seeing a few friends.
I worked out twice thanks to Jillian Michael's DVD, "30 Day Shred."

I am going to try to keep up this pattern through the week plus do a little better job on what I eat.  Tilapia and chicken are waiting for me in the freezer.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

100 Calorie Bag of Cookies + Bad Mood = Food Regret

I'm trying to pay attention to what triggers my overeating which seems to be worse now since Christmas.  Tonight it seemed to be based around my mood.  I was in a very bad mood late this afternoon and early this evening.  I had a headache thanks to carpet glue fumes in my office not to mention  attempting to work while our entire office is being renovated.  This is a headache in itself- packing up one day just to unpack a few days later. Nothing makes me grumpy like a headache that refuses to go away. So my mood just got worse after forgetting something at work and having to turn back around and grocery shopping while it was raining.  After dinner I had one bag of 100 calorie chocolate chip cookies but still wanted another bag along with a cup of tea.  I don't physically feel all that terrible from it but the guilt is what weights me down.  It gets tiring battling with myself.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Girls' Night+The Bachelor=Food Regrets

I watched The Bachelor tonight with a group of girlfriends and had a blast making fun of the show and saying things that will probably send me to hell.  No pizza ended up being involved but...a pinata, yes, a pinata full of candy and a bottle of wine was involved.  It's usually really easy for me to pass on alcohol because the calories just aren't worth it to me but it just seems appropriate when watching a cheesy girly show.  And the candy...well Rolos and "fun sized" Snickers are just too hard to pass up!  And they're tiny...right?  But one Rolos turned into three plus one fun sized Snickers.  Before you know it I am way beyond my points for the day.  Not a good way to start off the week.  Perhaps this will motivate me to try to earn "Activity Points" to make up for it somewhat.  Now if I could just figure out this whole motivation in the winter thing.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  Happy resolution time!  I originally created this blog to help hold myself accountable diet-wise and I've been completely neglecting it.  The last time I wrote in early December I had a gained a couple of pounds.  I weighed myself when I returned to work after the New Year and I had dropped those couple of pounds.  This week I'm back up again.  Anyway, I seem to be fluctuating back and forth between a couple of pounds and I'm ready to just hit my final goal weight!

First things first, let me confess my latest food regret...sugar cookies yesterday.  I was doing well on Sunday after a big dinner out to a French restaurant with friends Saturday night until Bobby bought a box of sugar cookies.  I told him to just let me eat one...well that one turned into two and then later when I should have been eating dinner it turned into three.  Ugh.

New year, new start...right?  Easier said than done as most of you know.  Every time I say I'm starting over I'm faced with a challenge  (like an invitation to go out to eat, a boyfriend who eats poorly, boredom, sweet tooth, etc.)...and lately I feel weak.  I have to give myself credit today for passing up a free Chuy's Tex-Mex lunch.  (The main reason knowing I'll be watching The Bachelor tonight with friends and a pizza might be involved.)

So here are some Food Regret resolutions for 2010:
  • Don't beat myself up when I do indulge but don't let it happen more often than not.
  • Become more active again.  I blame winter but I know I have to take ownership of this.  It not only means getting more exercise but just being more active in general to give me more to do than think about food!  One way I'll do this is by taking a sewing class and then practicing at home.  I will read more.  I will save up to get a Wii and use utilize the physical aspects of it like yoga. 
  • Practice cooking new recipes.  I need more go-to quick dishes and also hope to encourage better eating habits in the significant other.  I really enjoyed making my first big Christmas dinner and it demonstrated that maybe I can really learn how to cook.
  • Be semi-comfortable in a bikini this summer.  I would say this is a lofty goal but I'm not getting any younger and now is this time.
So to help reach all these goals I will do my best to keep up with this blog!  Good luck to everyone else out there facing the same challenges and goals!